Hello and welcome back as we explore the latest episode of the "Excite Me" podcast #7: The Impending Apocalypse and Internet Safety. So this one was lets say a challenge, behind the scenes we encountered several problematic delays in the process of making the episode. First when we did the interview we had rolling internet black outs in our area which made the usual software for recording via long distance pretty much useless. So after re-configuring the mics with our phones we manage to get a good old fashion phone interview on the way. We made plenty of jokes that this could be the beginning of the apocalypse if the internet should fail us in the current climate and I think someone upstairs wanted in on the joke.

Next during the editing process we received not one, not two but three earthquakes in the Sudbury area which as one might expect drew in a lot of attention figuring out what was happening. Last but not least, during our final recording the fire alarms went off in the building our studio was in. By this point we all agreed this was an impending apocalypse of some kind so decided to accept our fate and make it part of the show.
Now what about the true heart of our episode? Well that features Knotnice of the "Be Safe Ontario" group based on the kinky social media platform Fetlife. With nearly 20 years of experience we got a glimpse into his history in the community including his time as a caretaker for Fetlife.com. With the rise of online kink activity in 2020 and 2021 (particularly with kinky Facebook groups taking off) we wanted to take some time and talk about how we can help keep ourselves safe while meeting people online. From controversies that rocked communities to individual vetting processes. We discussed how aiming to minimize drama, taking personal responsibility and giving people a safe place to voice concerns leads to a healthy and successful journey in the lifestyle. So pull up a chair and listen to us on your favorite podcast player as we survive the apocalypse and crack a smile along the way.
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