Featured Items
Discover unique and exclusive items at the Midnight At Dawn vendor fair. We'll be showcasing a wide range of diverse products from various vendors. From handmade crafts, vintage collectibles and harcode toys, you'll find something special here that you won't find anywhere else in Northern Ontario. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the extraordinary!
Midnight At Dawn provides vendors and organizations with excellent opportunities to reach out to new customers, here are a few benefits of being part of our show.
Contact us by email or click below for more details.
Largest adult expo in Northern Ontario, Est. 2019​
Ease of access, unload directly into the halls from your vehicle
Reach an isolated audience
We advertise across Ontario with a focus on communities that don't have access to alternative products and services
People will be traveling to come here, they don't want to leave empty handed
Multiple booth sizes available
Accommodating for both entry level and established vendors
Food and drink vendors will be available on site
We bring the entertainment value, customers arrive "excited"!